+44 (0) 330 122 0690
The Full Story
Office 365 and Cloud Server Backup
Unfortunately, in business disaster recovery planning is no longer something that only applies to large multinational companies. In today’s ultra-connected modern world, coming under attack is a certainty. The way this is planned for and executed often makes the difference between recovering and closing for good.

Office 365 Backup
A lot of modern businesses have harnessed the power and flexibility of Office 365. However, it is vital that businesses take steps to protect their cloud data in the event of accidental deletion or malware. We have forged strong relations with some of the industries key specialists to provide this service at a reasonable cost to our customers.
Cloud Based Dependable Backup Solutions
We can provide full cloud-based backup solutions for all of your business needs. This is exceptionally effective in the event of a disaster. We have partnered with specialists to ensure our customers data is protected properly and securely. Utilising both multi-site replication and encryption technologies.